Laboratory for Multilectal Mediated Communication & Cognition (MC2 Lab)

A 4EA-Cognition hub to study the mental workings and experience of people partaking of communicative events where not everybody speaks the same

We are developing a 4EA cognitive framework to account for the mental processes of participants in communicative events where more than one language variety is used. It is Cognitive Translatology, not to be confused with the generic term for the domain Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies.

We are continuously learning in areas such as attention, multitasking, mental workload, HCI, ergonomics, conscious and automated behavior, and expertise. The bilingual mental lexicon, working memory, fuzzy problem solving, naturalistic decision-making under uncertainty, self-regulation, implicit beliefs, perspective taking, and Cognitive Linguistics are other research areas we dive in.

Our current main lines of work are:

  • Attention and cognitive control in translation tasks
  • Human-computer interaction in remote interpreting and
  • Predictors of conference interpreting aptitude

Instruments available in the Lab


Scientific coordinator

Ricardo Munoz Martin

Professore ordinario

Members of the Lab

Mariachiara Russo

Professoressa ordinaria

Nicoletta Spinolo

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

External asociates

  • Sandra Halverson, Universitetet i Agder, Norway
  • Álvaro Marín García, University of Essex, United Kingdom
  • Ana María Rojo López, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
  • Elisabet Tiselius, Stockholm University, Sweden