Transparency and visibility in AVT: Revoicing, reception, and language transfer

Il Laboratorio Permanente di Media and Humour Studies è lieto di ospitare una lezione sulla traduzione audiovisiva della Dott.ssa Angela Sileo

  • Data: 06 novembre 2023 dalle 11:00 alle 12:30

  • Luogo: Campus di Forlì, Viale Corridoni 20, Forlì - Teaching Hub, AULA 7

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili



The lecture revolves around issues of transparency as opposed to visibility, a dichotomy first applied by L. Venuti (1995) in the context of both fluent translations and the role of translators as invisible facilitators or means through which the source language author is known to the target language reader. This dichotomy resonates within the domain of AV oral modes (dubbing, voice over, SRNL): revoiced AV products have become pervasive in the Italian cine-telematic culture, their reception closely intertwined with the delicate balance of transparency and visibility in the translated text. Invisibility assumes paramount importance, allowing viewers to maintain what can be aptly termed as ‘suspension of linguistic disbelief’ (Romero-Fresco 2009), a phenomenon shielding them from potential distractions that might arise if attention were diverted towards the intricate process of adapting the source text into their native language. Language transfer is accounted among the causes for jolting the audience from their immersive ‘AV slumber.’, a disruption which may manifest when the target text language is so imbued with interferences from the source language that it morphs into a hybrid or third language, a linguistic amalgamation known as “doppiaggese” in Italian.


Angela Sileo holds a PhD in Humanities at Tor Vergata University of Rome, where she taught History of Dubbing in Italy. She is currently a research fellow at the University of Milan, La Statale. In 2019, she co-founded the research group TrAdE (Translation and Adaptation from/into English). She has been working as a translator since 2006. In 2021, she edited a collection of essays entitled Audiovisual Translation as Trans-Creation and, in 2018, she published her second monograph, on dubbese in AV products.

La lezione sarà tenuta in lingua inglese. Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare fino ad esaurimento posti.