Research in Interpreting: State of the Art and New Fields to Explore

Tavola Rotonda sulla ricerca in Interpretazione

  • Data: 20 giugno 2024 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

  • Luogo: Online su piattaforma Zoom e in presenza in aula 10 del Teaching Hub

Agnieszka Chmiel (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan- Head of Department of Translation Studies), Min-hua Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University · Centre for Translation) Alessandra Riccardi (University of Trieste - Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies) and  Elisabet Tiselius (Stockholm University - Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism;  President of the European Society of Translation Studies)  presenteranno le  loro ricerche e si proporranno linee di ricerca future