Application of Artificial Intelligence in Translation and Interpreting Studies

A seminar by Dr Furkan Sunay, İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University

  • Data: 24 marzo 2025 dalle 11:00 alle 18:30

  • Luogo: Aula Nassiriya

The seminar will be in English and breaks down into 4 independent stretches:

11-12.30     Using Artificial Intelligence in Pre-Translation Process (Translator Education),

13.30-15     Artificial Intelligence and Translation Quality Assessment,

15.15-16.45 Integration of Artificial Intelligence into CAT Tools,

17-18.30     Artificial Intelligence and Interpreting.

Students may hop-on, hop-off depending on their concurrent classes. Please join or leave the room only during breaks in-between stretches.

Bring your own laptop!!